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Posted by : Zulkarnain
Rabu, 06 Mei 2015
PT. Energy Saving Indonesia provided some product such as ;
- Chemical Treatment for Boiler, Cooding Tower and Waste Water System
- Chemical Cleaning for Boiler, Cooling Tower and other equipments
- Boiler New package and Used
- Boiler Sevice : overhaul, repair, upgrading fuel convertaion, etc
- Boiler rental
- Fabrication of Boiler, Heat Exchanger, Vessel, Tank and other equipments
- Erection work such as Power Plant, Chemical Plant, etc
Our Bussiners sector or market are ;
- Heavy Industry
- Utility Companies
- Shipyard / Shipbuilding
- Building Companies
- House hold / sanitary equipment
PT. Energy Saving Indonesia has defined four bussiness areas, each effectively supported by after sales activities except the garment ;
- Speacially Water Treatment Chemical for Cooling Tower, Chiller, Boiler, Steam Turbin, Heat Exchanger, Compressor, Gen Set Air Handling Unit, Fan Coil Unit, Air Conditioning System, etc.
- Engineering and Manufacturing boiler, heat exchanger, vessel, tank, etc
- General Contraktor in Mechanical and Electrical